Thursday, July 15, 2010

Communication and the Important Role in Plays in Driving Success

Common sense tells us that communication is an important tool for all organizations. However, how often do we really think about the communication process that needs to occur before we try to make significant change in our organizations.

Many times we get so caught up in accomplishing the goal that we loose track of the importance of getting those "team" members who are driving this change all on the same page. One way to ensure the team  understands is to conduct a teambuilding exercise prior to implementating any significant change. This exercise will allow team members to not only understand the rationale for the change but at the same time will give each person an opportunity to understand each others styles, how they take in information and how best to use each others style in accomplishing the goal.

Once we learn about the makeup or styles of the team we need to continue to build on our learnings. These learnings become the foundation for our success and will enable us to attain success both in the short and long term.