One way to address these questions/concerns is to establish a formal "on boarding " process in your company. A process could include the following:
- A mentor or buddy that can help answer any questions about the company culture, how decisions are made, how their boss makes decsions, etc.
- A formal plan for the first 30, and 60 days that allows for a smooth transition into the company.
- Meeting with their new staff,especially if they manange people, one on one during the first two weeks.
- Formal goals and objectives for the first year after the first 60 days of employment.
- If their superviisor be sure to meet with the new employee once every 2 weeks to understand issues, concerns, and how best to ensure their success.
- Change the initial goals and objectives especially if they don't fit the needs of the business.
- During annual performance review ask the employee what could have been done better during the first year to have assisted with their tranistion.