Thursday, November 26, 2009

Importance of On Boarding Process for New Hires

How many of us think it is important to assist new hires once they join our company? How many of us explain to new hires our company culture? How many of us set goals and objectives in the first six months for new hires? How many of us explain to new hires how decisons are made in our company? How many of us have been told by our employees that the first year of employment was a difficult transition and there were times they thought about resigning?

One way to address these questions/concerns is to establish a formal "on boarding " process in your company.  A process could include the following:
  1. A mentor or buddy that can help answer any questions about the company culture, how decisions are made, how their boss makes decsions, etc.
  2. A formal plan for the first 30, and 60 days that allows for a smooth transition into the company.
  3. Meeting with their new staff,especially if they manange people,  one on one during the first two weeks.
  4. Formal goals and objectives for the first year after the first 60 days of employment.  
  5. If their superviisor be sure to meet with the new employee once every 2 weeks to understand issues, concerns, and how best to ensure their success.
  6. Change the initial goals and objectives especially if they don't fit the needs of the business.
  7. During annual performance review ask the employee what could have been done better during the first year to have assisted with their tranistion.

Friday, November 20, 2009

2010 Salary Budgets

It is that time of year when many of you are doing 2010 budgets and trying to determine during these crazy economic times what the right merit increase budget might be for 2010. The following are some questions to consider before making a final decision on 2010 salary budgets:
  1. What are your company sales and  profits projected to look like at the end of 2010?
  2. What type of expenses must your company invest in to keep up with your normal business operations?
  3. What are your current staffing levels, to high, to low, not enough?
  4. What type of operating expenses can be eliminated in 2010, i.e. advertising, consultants, travel, etc?
  5. What type of percentage increases did you receive in your benefit programs?
  6. Are your current base salaries competitive?
  7. Should we have a merit pay system or cost of living pay system?
  8. Will our incentive plans have a resonable payout to our employees?
  9. Are we losing our good people?
  10. Do we have a problem hiring good people?
There are alot more questions that could be listed but it really comes down to what can you afford. Be sure to collect background information on what is being done in your industry, size company, or geography and this can be found by doing searches on the web.

In closing, you need to make the decision on your 2010 merit budget that is right for you.

Jim Geier
President and Founder
Human Capital Consulting Partners

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Importance of Developing "Culture" in Your Organization

Over the last two days I attended BIOTECH 2009  a gathering of over 800 people in the life sciences industry held in Philadelphia and sponsored by PA BIO  and BIO NJ.

Interesting two days but what I found most interesting and refreshing was a fireside chat that Debbie Hart, head of BIO NJ conducted with Fred Hassan, former Chaiman and CEO of Schering Plough. For those who don't know Schering was recently acquired by Merck.

One of the questions asked to Mr. Hassan was the importance of  "culture" in an organization.  He stated that culture was one of the key success factors for any organization. He defined culture for him to mean the need to have a :
  • Road Map for Your Business 
  • Long Term Plan/Outlook, and,
  • Organizational Health 
Not sure his plan will work for all of us but you can't argue with his success over the last 30 plus years for patients, shareholders, investors and employees.

More information can be found about Mr. Hassan at

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Importance of Getting the Right People on the Bus

How many of you have really read "Good to Great." Jim Collins has given all of us the foundation for what it takes to build a successful organization. Regardless of the size of your organization people is what will make your business strategy a reality.
  • Do you pay attention to what it takes to have the right people in the right jobs?
  • Do you spend time defining the roles, responsiblities and competencies needed for each postion?
  • Do you know how to interview and select the right person ?
  • Do you have a formal on-boarding process?
  • Do you set goals and objectives for your employees?
  • Do you coomunicate with your employees?
All of the above can help drvie business success, try it you might like the results.